Am I Leaving Money on the Table?


Am I leaving money on the table?

It’s a question you should be asking yourself often as you evaluate your business. Sure, you are always looking for new ways to bring in new customers, but are there opportunities right in front of you that you’re just not taking the time to evaluate?


Am I searching for ways to cut expenses?

Am I finding ways to better engage with my CURRENT customers to drive additional sales and referrals?

Am I seeking the input of my team members who may have unique ideas?

Am I looking at my systems and finding ways to save time and money?

Am I working on my own mindset to ensure I’m bringing my best self into my business every day?

Am I developing my team and putting them in the best position to succeed and grow?

Am I doing things to make sure all employees know the vision/direction of our company?

So often we’re looking at an empty plate, so we choose to get up and go search for another dollar to bring to the table…

Instead of realizing if we just took the time to look around the room we’re in and rearrange the place setting … we just might find a few of them right in front of us.