I Need a Business Coach, But I'm Afraid Of...

Sometimes we wish you could be a fly on the wall in a coaching session.

You, the one who keeps seeing our posts and thinking,

“I could use some help, but I’m afraid to be vulnerable and open.”

“I could use some help, but I’m not a big enough business to hire a coach.”

“I could use some help but I’m afraid I’ll be judged for what I don’t know after being in business for so long already.”

As business coaches, we have seen it all. We have worked with CEOs of multi million dollar companies, the startup Etsy-shop owner, the sales executive who works for someone else and the company who operated without systems for years before coming to us.


Everyone has some sort of reservation.

Revealing your dreams or your worst fears can feel scary for even the most successful entrepreneur.

What we want you to know is we are business coaches for a reason. We want to help people, and we want to see them succeed. We are not in the business of making you feel ashamed, or judging you for where you are personally and professionally.

We are in the business of helping people have better lives

And if you are the least bit curious about how we might be able to help you — whether it’s with time management, goal-setting, leadership skills, processes or more — reach out to us for your complimentary consultation.

We’re ready to help you… and meet you right where you are.